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why orchids? 

These plants represent everything I know to be true about myself, my family, and my roots. I grew up in Venezuela seeing these unique flowers grow in my grandmothers garden. I wanted to keep this as close to home as possible so my cousin Isbella Gil produced the hand drawn art on the tee. Orchids represent wisdom, resilience, patience, history, and so much more to me.


Fun Facts: 

Over 25,000 species of Orchids have been discovered so far and scientists are finding more and more almost every day. With such different varieties of Orchids being found all over the world, it has been proved that these are the largest family of flowering plants that exists.


 An Orchid requires a lot of patience as it takes the first orchid flowers at least five to seven years to appear post germination. It can live up to 100 years. This too varies from species to species. While some orchid flowers may last for years, some will live for six months and others may wilt within hours of blooming.

World’s smallest orchid flower is a little over 2 mm wide with transparent petals that are only one cell thick. It is as tiny as the head of a pin and belongs to the Platystele genus. On the other hand, the tallest Orchid flowers known as Sobralia altissima can grow up to 44 feet tall and 11 inches across.


It is interesting to learn that some of the Orchids strangely resemble creatures from the animal kingdom. While Ophrys apifera, also known as Bee Orchids, bear a striking resemblance to a bee, Dracula Simia, also known as ‘Monkey Orchids’ look very similar to the face of a monkey

When orchid flowers mature, they always grow upside down in their natural habitat. There petals tend to be thick and heavy, hence it is only normal that they grow in such an interesting way.


Material: 100% cotton

Female model: Is wearing size S

Male model: Is wearing size M

Art: Isabella Gil